Thanks for stopping by
My name is Luke and I started this blog to share ideas, tips and tricks for one of my biggest passions: growing food.
I don’t claim to be an expert but I’m learning all the time, and I’m happy to share any wisdom or advice!
There will be a wide variety of topics found here. Grow To Save stands for many things…
Saving More Than Just Money
It’s no secret that most foods you buy from the market were grown as GMOs.
They are unhealthy and unless you can afford expensive organic food, you and your family can be in an ugly situation.
Most people have no idea how their food is grown, or raised for that matter. If a crisis struck, the majority of people wouldn’t know how to feed their families.
To save our future, I believe more people need to know how to feed themselves.
The more people that know, the more they can save others, too.
We can grow to save each other.
Saving Our Future
The state of modern agriculture is in crisis as the few try to feed the many. Also, the current farmers are getting old… and not being replaced.
Things have to change if we are going to have a future for our children and beyond.
The mainstream way things are done now is destructive. Not only to ourselves, but the environment as well.
Before the technology of modern agriculture, all growing was done sustainably. There was no other way.
But if we are going to survive well into the future, we have to return to sustainable agriculture.
Bottom line, we must grow to save our planet.
Saving Each Other
I believe that if our society actively grew more vitamin dense fruits and vegetables and SHARED them with each other, we’d be much better off.
Many of the health problems that face us because of poor diet choices could be eliminated.
The current burdens on the agricultural community could be lessened.
We could literally grow to save each other. Just imagine it with me!
Join Me
Now that you’ve learned a little about my passion, I hope you’ll join me on this journey.
If anything maybe you can teach me something!
Please check out my Facebook page and drop a like.
Let’s Grow To Save together!